Blending Natural Fibers into Your Home's Interior Design

Natural fibers, which are both beautiful and affordable, are becoming increasingly popular in the sphere of interior designing, particularly when it comes to furniture and rugs, as well as accessories. The natural look has taken the world of interior design by storm, and it's here to stay.

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Zen Room: A Space of Blissful Escape Everyone Needs

Creating a relaxing Zen haven is a great way to escape the noise and commotion of the outside world. A Zen interior helps in creating a more grounded home space –making you regain your inner peace.

What Is A Zen Interior Space?

Many would imagine a spa, complete with plants, water features, and soothing ambient music when mentioning Zen. But, it's really so much more. Zen interior design has its origins in Japan and is closely connected to the practice of meditation. 

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What Does It Mean To Have Minimalist Interiors?

(10 Basic Steps to Get You Started)

"Less is more" is the underlying belief in minimalist design. But, it's actually so much more than just simply having fewer stuff in your home. Minimalism is actually a way of living built upon the principle of being intentional with how you decorate. Where one thinks bare and bleak, minimalists see it as simple. Where one thinks dull, minimalists see it as sexy.

And, there are rational reasons behind that. An average household has over 300, 000 items! This translates to the average person spending 12 days each year hunting for items they can't find –in their own house. Beyond home design, minimalism extends to one's lifestyle. 

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De-clutter your space de-clutter your mind

If you're fed up with not being able to find anything at home or the thought of friends coming over makes you panic, it might be time to consider a de-clutter. Not only does clearing out your space make your home feel calmer, it can also have a positive impact on your mental health. As you take charge of your home and get rid of things that are taking up too much room, you may also find yourself letting go of negative feelings and regaining your sense of control. We take a look at the problem with clutter, what you can do about it and some top tips for getting started.

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Home for the holidays

Home for the holidays? Here’s how to get the most out of your staycation

With the current situation around global health, many would-be travellers at home over the holidays, it’s important to still let yourself get into the festive spirit and make the most out of your staycation. A holiday can still be a holiday wherever you are in the world, even if you’re stuck at home.

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Easy ways to update your home

There is nothing quite like the comfort of a cozy, well-designed home. DIY-ers will spend hours updating and renovating their homes constantly, but the average person who doesn't know the difference between a table saw and a drill isn't able to do this. We have put together 10 creative DIY projects that are perfect for people of all skill levels, so you can breathe new life into your property without major construction or large costs.

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