Our interconnectedness with nature - Living walls in your home

Have you thought about installing a living wall in your home? If this sounds like an overwhelming project to you - something that will take up time, space and money - you need to re-evaluate! By planning your living wall effectively, you can add a beautiful feature to your home that is well worth it.

In this article, we are going to look at the benefits of having a living wall in your home, before moving onto some key considerations when growing one. Read on!

Why should you add a living wall to your home?

- Improve air quality

Are you a city dweller? If you are, you might not make it to the 'Great Outdoors' as much as you'd like. For those who live in a urban area, or during the winter months when going outside is a less enticing option; a living wall can help to purify the air inside your home. Real living plants inside your house can help to filter out carbon dioxide and release more oxygen into the atmosphere. What are the advantages of increased oxygen levels? For a start, more oxygen can help to keep you awake and productive.

- Enhance your acoustics

Does your home sometimes feel like a cacophony of noises being created by the various members of your household? A living wall can help in this respect because it can have a 'dampening' effect on the reverberations which are caused by hard surfaces. This can be useful; both for your own sanity on a day to day basis, and on occasions when you wish to entertain friends and family. Use a living wall to muffle the racket!

- Pander to your human nature

Living walls can have a biophilic effect. That is, to offer physiological and physical benefits to humans due to our natural desire to have a connection with nature. If you want to reduce your stress levels while at home, at the same time as boosting your creativity and enhancing your sense of wellbeing; a living wall is a good place to start.

- Cool down!

Have you ever wondered why it can feel hotter in the city than out of town? It's because of the energy we are using within these urban areas, as well as the hard surfaces of buildings absorbing heat from the sun. Living walls can counteract this process, decreasing thermal energy absorption and making your home cooler. That can mean you use your air conditioning system less, which is better for the environment, and your bank account.

Building a living wall: Key considerations

Living walls need a part of your home where the plants will get enough light unless you wish to install UV lighting. Then there is the consideration of your water management system - by using gravity drip irrigation and a suitable pipe network, you can save on water and ensure that your plants have all the moisture they need. You should be sure to choose the right kind of wall - i.e. a wall which can both hold the weight of the plants and offer resistance to the water. And you also need to consider the selection of the plants themselves. For indoor living walls, the plants you pick should be shade tolerant and have shallow root systems, because you will be working with restricted soil space.

Does it all sound too much to think about? You can rely on the experts at Jarvis Interiors for the very best advice when it comes to the installation of a living wall in your home. We understand how to use creative interior design to improve lives. Give us a call on +61 412 398 313.