Enhance your Health and Wellbeing with Labyrinths

An ancient symbol that relates to the concept of wholeness, labyrinths have been used for generations as a tool for prayer and meditation. While there are many modern versions of the labyrinth design, the most common are the Medieval Labyrinth and the seven circuit Cretan labyrinth. Metaphorically, a labyrinth is used to represent life's journey. By walking the path of the labyrinth it's believed we uncover our deepest self and have a better understanding of our place in the world.

With labyrinths, the same way in is the way out, so the path is circuitous, thought to take us to the centre of ourselves and then out again with a more profound knowledge of who we are. The inner circle of the labyrinth is also connected with the rose - by peeling the petals back we uncover different parts of ourselves.The centre is in the form of a six-petaledrose known as the rosette. The rose window is a jewel symbolising heaven.

Labyrinths all over the world are in churches and cathedrals. The labyrinth appeals to seekers of every faith and seekers with no or very little faith background. The labyrinth has been used for centuries as a pilgrimage, a way back home.

Labyrinths are often mistaken for mazes, although these are very different.  A labyrinth is a beautiful seamless journey inward, setting your intention at the beginning, walking on a path of discovery to the centre, with a feeling of peace and calm, where you take time to connect, align and create, the journey outward is contemplation and confirmation of the imagery and visions that come up during the walk. The labyrinth is a path of self-knowledge and meditation that balances body, mind and spirit and helps to find inner answers during life transitions. A labyrinth only has a single path which takes you to the centre and then out again.A labyrinth contains non-verbal, implicate geometric and numerological prompts that create a multi-dimensional holographic field. These unseen patterns are referred to as sacred geometry.

‘A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. It represents a journey to our own centre and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools and for creativity‘

There’s really no right way or wrong way to walk a labyrinth, but generally speaking there are three phases:

  1. Releasing on the way in – letting go of what no longer serves.
  2. Receiving a sense of peace and calm - as you pause in the centre.
  3. Resolving - to engage with the world in a new way as you follow the same path back out.

To prepare, you may want to sit quietly and reflect before walking the labyrinth. Some people come with questions, others just to slow down and take time out from a busy life. Some come to find the strength to take the next step during times of grief and loss. Its winding path becomes a metaphor for our journey and where we find ourselves on our path. The labyrinth is all about flow and acceptance.

Because of the labyrinth’s close relationship with meditation, wholeness and the human psyche, it's being introduced into modern lives as a tool to enhance both mental and physical health through providing a coping mechanism that helps with decision making and promotes relaxation. Some of the many health benefits that labyrinths provide are highlighted below:

Stimulates creativity, intuition and imagery

Navigating a labyrinth helps to stimulate creativity, intuition and imagery, as it's a task that requires use of the right brain. Many well-known Musician’s use and have labyrinths on their properties to help them and their band to overcome creative blocks.

Used to calm anxiety and behavioural problems

Labyrinths are being installed in schools as a tool to calm children with anxiety or behavioural problems. When children experiencing these issues walk through the labyrinth it helps to decrease their anxiety through inspiring relaxation and increasing their concentration, as they maintain their focus on a single path.

Helps with stress and lack of focus

In a hospital/hospice setting, labyrinths are being installed in the grounds to de-stress patients and visitors who are feeling frightened, worried or anxious. It also helps with Alzheimer's and Dementia. Labyrinths in a hospital setting are also being built so that the medical staff and support teams can have access to them, so they can be in the best possible mindset to handle stressful and highly charged situations. It enhances the medical staff and support teams ability to be focused and think clearly with clarity.

Meditation to promote calm

Many people are having labyrinths built on their properties to help them meditate and relax. Labyrinths are being added into parks, gardens and places where people gather. As a labyrinth has a single path and only allows people to walk in a single direction, it's designed to calm the mind. These are also a popular tool for meditation and gaining insight as it offers a contemplative place without the confusion of choosing different paths to traverse.

Rehabilitation and wellbeing

Labyrinths are being added to Jails/Gaols a place for inmates to reflect in ward and help with their rehabilitation.

Treatment for special needs

Labyrinths are being used on a more frequent basis to help children with ADHD and Autism. Walking through a labyrinth is believed to balance both hemispheres of the brain, which is beneficial for children experiencing these special needs. Also, because children need to remain focused and concentrate on the labyrinth path, it's calming for them.

These are just some of the many ways labyrinths are being used to enhance health. Jarvis Interiors specialise in designing living labyrinths to create environments that are beneficial to health. As leading interior designers, Jarvis Interiors are dedicated to improving their clients' health and well-being by combining design aesthetics with colour, sound and light therapy. Arrange a consultation with the team today to discover how to enhance your well-being by redesigning the interior or exterior areas of your home or business.